Note: this post has been updated in January 2023.
Heart attacks are a frightening and potentially deadly reality, but the good news is that it doesn't have to be this way. Taking proactive steps can reduce your risk of having a heart attack and, in some cases, even completely eliminate it. Learn what you can do to foolproof your heart and enjoy better cardiovascular health.
Can we eradicate heart attacks and heart disease?
Did you catch the heading here, heart attacks thing of the past! Pretty strong words, don't you think? I hope this article with get you to think that there are other choices for you other than the traditional medication and surgery route.
I know most of the following videos, discussions, and results will come as a surprise to many of you. I am sure you, like most others, really think and believe that heart attacks and heart diseases are mostly given to you at birth, and no matter what you do, you must deal with the cards that you are dealt with.
The latest and best scientific studies do not agree with you. Noticed I said scientific studies, not studies that are sponsored by parties that have an invested interest in the outcomes.
View these three videos and tell me what you think. Hopefully, these videos will get you to begin to think about a plant-based diet and lifestyle.
The first video The Actual Benefits of Diet vs. Drugs dispels the foolish notion that all we must do is take and pill to be protected from heart disease. The idea that pills will solve the problem is a big mistake, as all that is being treated are the symptoms and not the root cause. Statins do not prevent heart attacks and can cause more problems!
The Actual Benefits of Diet vs. Drugs
The second video with Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn’s is a classic. Dr. Esselstyn's contribution to understanding the role of nutrition and heart disease is truly remarkable. The video shows some of the research findings that have shown that heart disease can be prevented and even reversed with a proper diet. This inspirational research has spawned many more such studies, all around the world. The medical world is slowly beginning to take note of the powerful role of prevention that nutrition can play. Read my article on What Is Good Nutrition.
Making Heart Attacks History - Caldwell Esselstyn
In the third video, Dr. Sanjay Gupa makes the case that we have the technology and knowledge that we can eliminate heart attacks. The video is called "The Last Heart Attack".
The Last Heart Attack by Dr. Sanjay Gupa CNN
The time to take action to prevent a Heart Attack is now!
The Forks Over Knives Plan shows you how to put this lifesaving, delicious diet into practice in your own life. This easy-to-follow, meal-by-meal makeover is the approach Doctors Alona Pulde and Matthew Lederman (featured in the documentary) use every day in their nutritional health practice—a simple plan that focuses on hearty comfort foods and does not involve portion control or worrying about obtaining single nutrients like protein and calcium.
Whether you’re already a convert and just want a dietary reboot, or you’re trying a plant-based diet for the first time The Forks Over Knives Plan makes it easier than ever to transition to this healthiest way of eating…and to maintain it for life. Below are other great resources that will help you get on the right track.
The Plant-Based Solution: America’s Healthy Heart Doc’s Plan to Power Your Health
How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
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