Note: this post has been updated in June 2023.
Fat And Diabetes Disastrous Results
It is important to remember that fat and diabetes can lead to disastrous results for your health. There are two different ways that fat can lead to type 2 diabetes. One of these ways -body fat - is probably already familiar to you. If you are overweight or obese, your risk of developing prediabetes and type 2 diabetes is much higher than if you maintain a healthy body weight. See the obesity epidemic. One of the best articles that I have read which shows the prevalence obesity is published by the CDC. See Adult Obesity Facts | Overweight & Obesity | CDC
When you have more body fat than is healthy for your body, a long list of nasty health conditions can develop. Your risk of developing heart disease, cancer, neurological disorders and your chance of being diagnosed with diabetes goes straight up.
Body fat and dietary fat (the fat we consume) are two different things. The consumption of food fats does not automatically cause increased body fat. Dietary fat is metabolized more slowly than simple carbs. These simple carbs are more likely to end up as body fat than consumed fats.
However, some dietary fat is unhealthy and can contribute to a type 2 diabetes diagnoses. This process revolves around the type of fat you put into your body. Essential fatty acids are called "essential" for a particularly good reason. Your body needs them to be healthy. These are "good" fats. However, there are "bad" fats which have been proven as recently as 2016 in significant studies to be a factor in type 2 diabetes.
What Are the Bad Fats You Should Avoid?
We have known for more than 100 years that eating a lot of fat is correlated with higher-than-normal rates of diabetes. It wasn't until the 21st century that we knew exactly why this happens.
If you take two identically healthy groups of young people, after just two days of subjecting one of those groups to a high-fat diet, glucose intolerance goes through the roof. In the healthy group which eats limited amounts of fat, insulin activity remains normal.
This happens no matter what types of fat are consumed. Even so, it should be noted that saturated fats are more successful in causing insulin intolerance than other types of fat. Here is what happens in your body when you eat lots of fat.
Insulin permits glucose in your blood to enter the cells of your muscles. If there is little or no insulin present when glucose is in your bloodstream, the glucose is trapped there. It cannot get inside your muscles or cells to be used as fuel. Your blood sugar rises, and when this happens consistently for a long period of time, you could be diagnosed with diabetes.
You may also have plenty of insulin, but it just does not work properly. This is what happens with insulin resistance. Something blocks the way insulin naturally works, and glucose stays in your blood, rather than entering your cells.
As it turns out, microscopic droplets of fat found in muscle cells are what leads to this condition. So, while the consumption of excessive simple carbs is the main cause of type 2 diabetes, the consumption of excess fat hinders the body’s ability to deal with this excess sugar. A high-sugar and high-fat diet is the double-whammy that will hasten a diabetic or pre-diabetic condition.
In other words, when you eat fat, especially saturated fat, you run the risk of keeping insulin from doing its job properly. Glucose stays in your blood rather than entering your cells where it can be used efficiently. Your blood sugar spikes, and this condition can happen as quickly as just 160 minutes after ingesting saturated fats.
Foods high in saturated fat include fatty meats, pork, lamb, poultry with skin, lard and cream, butter, cheese and beef fat. You will find high levels of saturated fat in baked goods, cooking oils, baking chocolate, processed meats, and other processed foods.
To improve insulin action so you prevent, treat or reverse diabetes, avoid a high-fat diet (especially saturated fats). This means reducing or eliminating the amount of saturated fats you put into your body.
If you want to lose weight to treat diabetes, or to keep from developing it in the first place, trade in the fast-food drive-through for a plant-based meal instead. Skip the foods mentioned earlier that are rich in saturated fats, and eat more vegetables, fruits, nuts, berries, and whole grains that have not been processed and spiked with sugar and unhealthy preservatives, additives and toxins. One of the main take aways is to remember that fat and diabetes can lead to disastrous results for your health.
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