Note: this post has been updated on January 1, 2023.
Choosing to avoid GMO products can be difficult, due to their ubiquity in the food supply and ever-changing scientific understanding of GMOs. However, with careful research and an understanding of labels and where GMOs are found, you can make educated decisions about how to avoid them in your diet.
GMOs food on your grocery trip
With the rise of GMO products on grocery shelves everywhere in America, it can feel like an overwhelming challenge to avoid feeding them to yourself and your family. Although it feels that way because we can’t see them, companies are not required to tell us they are using GMOs. We must do things so that we know how to avoid GMO food. Here are a few tips.
Unfortunately, genetically modified ingredients are in so much of the food we see in grocery stores, especially in North America. However, if you’d like to avoid them, you can take steps to know what is and what isn’t a GMO. All it takes is learning how to read food labels so you can avoid these products, and it’s that simple.
The point is you must change your behavior. Read every single label. If you want to remove toxins from your food, it can be as simple as reading the labels on the products you are buying from the grocery store. For packaged foods, a suitable place to start is learning to recognize what ingredients you are purchasing are made from. Not sure how to read the labels yourself? Read how to read food labels if you help understand how to read labels clearly and clearly.
So, how do you recognize these things? When it comes to producing, any number on the produce sticker (product lookup unit – PLU). See below:
A 4-digit number means the food was conventionally grown.
A 5-digit number that begins with a 9 nine means produce is organic.
A 5-digit number that begins with an 8 means it is genetically modified
A few downloadable apps for your smartphone allow you to scan the barcode of various products to reveal the sources of the ingredients.
Additionally, you can carry GMO cheat sheets when you go to the grocery store or learn how to make your homemade versions of processed items you used to buy at the store. Your food will taste better, but you can remove harmful toxins by choosing your ingredients.

Here are a few tips to avoiding gmos.
I find avoiding GMOs a challenge at the grocery store due to the complete lack of regulating and labeling in the U.S. Even when you think you are buying something that doesn’t have any ingredients that could be GMOs, manufacturers manage to slip soy or corn into the ingredient list.
Here are a few tips for avoiding GMOs that I’ve learned so far.
1. Hundreds of companies are having their foods verified as GMO-free using third-party verification services. The two most common ones you’ll see are from the Non-GMO Project and GMO Guard. If you see a stamp of approval from one of these two organizations on the packaging of your food, you can be sure it’s GMO-free.
2. Certified organic products are not allowed to be grown with GMOs so another way to avoid them is by buying organic or making everything from scratch using organic ingredients.
3. Another trick I’ve found is to shop the imported food aisles. Unlike the U.S., many countries have banned the use of GMOs. Instead of buying the American manufactured pasta, I buy pasta imported from Italy, where GMOs are banned in most parts. It’s typically cheaper than organic and I’m avoiding what I set out to avoid. For a comprehensive list of which countries regulate GMO use, check out Organic Consumers Association. – via
Use reverse thinking to avoid GMOs
Learn to use the labels that DO exist. Although companies are not required to put warning labels on GMOs, companies can opt to boast that their products are GMO-free.
The Non-GMO Project has focused its attention in the opposite direction of the activists that insist GMOs be labeled. They are working to label products that have been carefully tested and are verified NOT to contain genetically modified material.
The pretty little butterfly label is your best indication that the product in your hand doesn’t contain GMOs. The products are tested and audited through a third-party verification process to maintain their standing.
Other products sometimes say that they do not contain GMOs. While this may be true, the Non-GMO Project Verified seal is earned through rigorous testing, and no GMO traces are evidence. You can feel reasonably confident that foods bearing this seal are free of genetically modified ingredients.
Another label to look for is USDA Certified Organic.
According to the USDA’s official blog, the inclusion of any GMOs is not allowed in an organic product.
Genetic engineering or genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not allowed in organic products. An organic farmer can’t plant GMO seeds, an organic cow can’t eat alfalfa or corn, and an organic soup producer can’t use any GMO ingredients. To meet USDA organic regulations, farmers and processors must show they aren’t using GMOs and protecting their products from contact with prohibited substances, such as GMOs, from farm to table.
Sadly, it’s important to note that the USDA has relaxed its standards and “organic” now means 95% or more organic. – via The Organic Prepper
Start your journey to clean eating
One of the best starting sources for clean eating is The Campbell Plan by Thomas Campbell, MD. This book is one of the most practical and evidence-based books written, building upon the life-changing message of The China Study. The ultimate success is The Campbell Plan will help you achieve all your health goals if you follow the guidelines. He wanted a book that explored the science behind recent dietary confusion surrounding issues like soy, sugar, oils, wheat, GMOs, and feeding kids. The Campbell Plan does this, but more importantly, it will help you transform your diet and life. Get the Campbell Plan.
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Have you begun reading labels for GMO foods? Are you concerned about using GMO products? Have you tried to avoid GMO foods?
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Do you look for “BE” or “genetically modified” disclosures on food labels?