Note: this post has been updated in December 2020.
Personal Stories - Is Eating Real Food for You?
Choosing real food for your meals means not choosing to buy and eat processed foods. A good deal of information is available about the many benefits of sticking with real food. You quickly eliminate a great deal of sugar and fat since these items are added to all foods. You eliminate many additives and chemicals that could be harmful over time.
There are too many personal stories to list here.
The excerpt below shows a few of the personal benefits one person found after just a couple of months when they decided to stick with an actual food menu.
I feel amazing inside & out
Since I quit processed food, I feel fantastic both inside and out! I am not bloated; I am thinner, my head is clearer, and in general, I feel great.
I have lost weight & maintaining weight is a breeze
I quickly lost weight when I eliminated processed food. I didn't count points or calories; I just ate as much food as I wanted. I find it easy to maintain my weight, and I don't have to think about it anymore.
I sleep like a baby!
When my head hits the pillow, I am out like a light until the morning. Now I wake up happy, light & refreshed every day. In the past, I would wake up groggy & sluggish with that heavy feeling of ahhhhh, and I needed more sleep!
My skin looks amazing
Now I would be lying to you if I said that my skin was Balaa & now it is clear & lovely because I have always been lucky in that department. I have hardly ever had a pimple in my life & my skin has always been clear. I received the excellent skin gene & not the skinny gene! However, I have noticed that since quitting processed food, my skin is the best it has ever been & let's face it, I am not getting any younger; none of us are. At 35 years old, I surprise people when they find out that I am in my thirty's & that I have a 13-year-old child because my skin has been glowing ever since I turned to real food. (Or is it actually because of my immaturity?)
Personal Stories of Real Food
Her story is compelling, and to have those benefits in just two months of eating real food would be great.
Now we’ll look at the experience of Megan Kimble, who shared her story with the Huffington Post of giving up processed food for a year. We’ll hear about Megan’s experience with her friends and family, what the challenges were for her, and her advice to everyone who wants to give up processed food. View of plate setting with pie chart with processed foods.

What did your friends and family think of the challenge?
Processed is a spectrum. I had a few people be like, "All foods are processed foods, so that's silly." This kind of opposition was a good thing -- it forced me to define my project better and find out what I meant. All food is processed, of course, but there's a difference between cooked vegetables and a bag of chips. I was lucky to have a patient, supportive group of friends. I'd go out to eat and ask a bazillion questions about the menu, and they'd roll with
What was your biggest challenge throughout the year?
Going out, for sure. There's such a social aspect of food; so much of eating is being with friends and partaking in what others are partaking in. Forever, humans have bonded over the sharing of food. It'd be really hard to meet up with friends, where everyone would be having pizza. It was really hard to be professional and to go to work functions -- you don't want to talk about what you eat with everyone. That was definitely the hardest part.
What advice can you give to people who want to limit their intake of processed foods?
The first and simplest piece of advice I have is to read the ingredient label of everything you buy. When you start looking at what's in your food, you'll start buying things that are better. The next step beyond that is to buy foods without ingredient labels -- oatmeal, bananas, single food items that you can combine yourself at home. Even if you're not much of a cook, you can prepare simple foods at home, like sandwiches, salads and pasta. If you prepare food yourself, you have so much more control over what you're eating. You'll have to spend more time prepping in the beginning, but once you start to find the habits and the things that work for you, it'll start becoming part of a routine and not so time-consuming at all. - via The Huffington Post
The problem - and now it is time to act
Because we eat a diet rich in fats and processed foods, and too many snacks we have become prong to more diseases and sickness with increased reliance on medications to live a healthy life free from pain and medications.
However, science confirms that a diet rich in whole, plant-based foods can help you live to the fullest. In fact, a growing number of physicians advocate a completely plant-based diet for many of their patients who suffer from diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
Health is your greatest wealth — more important than money, fame, or even reputation.
Certain foods fuel it, and others undermine it.
If you value your health (like I know you do), then this is an opportunity you’re not going to want to miss.
>> Join in the free Food For Health Masterclass with John Robbins here.
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